Theory of Change

Theory of Change is central to the way that not-for-private-profit organisations operate.
It describes the social change You First wishes to make and working backwards from the Ultimate Outcome describes all the necessary outcomes that need to be in place in order to enable and facilitate this change.
You First’s Theory of Change is a comprehensive illustration of how through enabling people to make genuine community connections.
Becoming empowered and autonomous and develop meaningful community roles individuals will be able to fulfil their potential and make a valued and respected contribution toward and within their local community.
Outcome work often focuses on “where are we now and where do we want to be?”
Whereas Theory of Change, which is key to the Third Sector is focused in particular on mapping out what has been described as the “missing middle” between what a program or change initiative does (its activities or interventions) and how these lead to desired goals being achieved.
The result is an Outcomes Framework, which you will find below.
You First’s Outcomes Framework demonstrates how we will facilitate the process of personal empowerment for individuals with a learning disability and/or autism.
This is a process, not an event, and it is a value driven process that will deliver the long-term goal of people not simply being present within but making a direct, respected and valued contribution toward their local community.
This is a process that not only changes lives; it also changes communities.
You First’s Outcome Framework demonstrates the direct link between self-confidence and the acquisition of skill and knowledge.
It is a template designed to put You First out of business because people with a learning disability and/or autism will no longer need us when the Ultimate Outcome is achieved.
All of You First’s planning will be informed by this Outcomes Framework and our Social Impact Reporting will be informed by specific measurements against it.
The Outcomes Framework informs all of You First’s activities.
Want to view the Outcomes Framework?