Our Social Purpose

People with learning disabilities have told us:
- They get lonely, especially at evenings and weekends
- They want to spend time with their friends and build social networks
- They want greater contact with their families
- They want to access their local community and enjoy the things it offers
- They want to be in charge of their support and how this is provided
- They want to influence change in how their services are provided
- They want to learn new skills in order to become more independent
The social purpose of You First Support Services is to respond to this by providing tailor made packages of support that have been designed by the individual and those important to them. This will:
- Reduce social isolation
- Strengthen social and informal support networks
- Maintain important family contact and engagement
- Promote community presence
- Support the development of meaningful roles in the local community
- Deliver services at a time, in a place and by the people of the individual’s choosing
- Promote engagement, enablement, opportunity and progression