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A Social Enterprise providing community based support for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism and mental health in the South West


Welcome to the You First Support Services Quality pages. Here you will be able to read how well You First is performing against our Business Improvement Indicators and track our progress against the targets and timescales we have set.

We will publish the outcomes of our various quality measures here as we have a commitment to openness, honesty and transparency. We are serious about our commitment to continuous improvement.

Quality can be described as:

“the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something”

And Quality Management as:

"A set of co-ordinated activities to direct and control an organisation in order to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its performance."

Any organisation can only truly know how well it is doing once it understands what value means to its customers, and this can only be ascertained through consultation and engagement.

Quality for us is about supporting people with learning disabilities and/or autism to build and grow their lives in a way that makes sense to them and in this sense You First fully embraces our accountability to the people who use us.

We absolutely should be held accountable for the support we provide. The expectations of the people we support drive and define the 'performance' criteria and standards by which we measure how we are doing.

In addition there are external standards we have to achieve, such as the Care Quality Commission’s Fundamental Standards and the voluntary codes we have signed up to, such as the Driving Up Quality Code.

We provide personalised community based support and therefore quality measures for this will be unique to each individual who engages with us just as each package of support we deliver is as unique as the individual receiving it.

Therefore each individuals Life Plan will have key outcomes we are required to achieve as well as the more global and generic Business Performance Indicators that are listed here.

Any decent Quality Management tool should measure the following:


All three need to be measured in order to obtain a true and holistic picture and You First is committed to this thorough process. You First is value driven and the values that inform the way we operate are captured in the acronym “Progress”:




Each individual and those important to them are at the heart of everything, including how You First operates. People exercise choice and control over the nature of their support including how, when, where and by whom it is delivered.



Through the provision of flexible and responsive support and by supporting people to make informed choices we respond to the changes life brings in the way the people we support request of us.



People are supported to take full advantage of life’s opportunities in the fullest way possible. ;



We enable and support people to build and grow their lives according to their own world view and value base.



We support people as equal people and enable people to exercise their full rights and entitlements as citizens.



We enable people to become empowered and to take control of their own lives in a real and meaningful way.



We work with people proactively and with a positive approach to risk to enable the achievement of personal ambition and to celebrate the success of this.



Person-Centred support enables people to enjoy meaningful and valued roles within their local community and to have a respected position in society as equal citizens.

Our Quality Management system monitors the following Business Performance Indicators for 2021 and these form part of our current Strategic Plan. We will report on our progress against these on a month by month basis from the end of January 2019 onward.

Strategic Objective
Business Performance Indicators for 2021
Quality Support Support provided exceeds the expectations of the people who use, commission and regulate You First
  1. You First’s rating by the Care Quality Commission moves from “Good” to “Outstanding”.
  2. 98% of people who use You First have a Design4Life document that captures individual ambition
  3. 100% of people who use You First have either a Support Plan or One Page Profile
  4. 95% of Support Plans are outcomes based and identify individual ambition
  5. 95% of Support Plans are evaluated with outcomes against personal ambition clearly identified and reported upon
  6. 98% of Support Plans have been reviewed in the previous 12 months
  7. Customer, staff and family surveys indicate a minimum of 90% satisfaction rate
  8. Social Impact is measured and published
  9. Achieve 90% of the Driving Up Quality Code
Person-centred and Inclusive People who use You First are the architects of their own support
  1. 95% of people who use You First have been involved in the review of their support in the last 12 months
  2. The families of 85% of You First customers have been involved in the Design4Life process
  3. 95% of reviews detail progress against Engagement, Enablement, Opportunity and Progression
  4. Support Packages of 25% of the total customer base have reduced in size due to less reliance upon paid support
  5. 25% of support provided is funded via an Individual Service Fund
  6. 60% of support provided is funded by a Direct Payment
  7. 15% of support provided is funded via commissioned support
  8. You First is actively engaging with Experts by Experience
  9. An Expert by Experience sits on the Advisory Board
  10. 45% of customers are directly involved in staff training
Expansion of the You First Offer You First has a presence in neighbouring counties as its reputation grows
  1. 5 new services in North Devon
  2. 5 new services in North Dorset
  3. 3 new services in Wiltshire
  4. 4 Service Level Agreements with Registered Housing Providers
  5. Provides 3,000 support hours across the organisation
  6. 60% of bids for ASC services via the Learning Disability Open Framework are successful
  7. The You First Sanctuary has opened
  8. 10% of the people accessing The Sanctuary have contracts of employment
Workforce Excellence You First has excellent recruitment and retention statistics that support continuity and consistency of support
  1. Staff turnover is at 20%
  2. 60% of Support Workers hold a Diploma Level 2
  3. 30% of Support Workers hold a Diploma Level 3
  4. 80% of Support Workers have successfully completed the Care Certificate including Care Certificate Framework attendance
  5. 98% of staff have attended full induction
  6. 98% of Support Workers have evidence of customer specific training
  7. The Staff Board meets every other month
  8. 90% of Support Workers have had One-to-One sessions every 6-8 weeks
  9. 90% of Support Workers have had an annual appraisal
  10. 30% of Support Workers are engaged in specialist training
Financially Sound You First delivers value for money, makes a positive social return on investment, has clear long term viability and is financially secure
  1. You First has reserves of £100,000
  2. Turnover is £3 million
  3. £100,000 surplus made in the year 2019 – 2220
  4. Business Administration costs are reduced by 20%
  5. A LEAN report is published in 2021 detailing efficiencies made