Our Supported Living Services
We want you to be in charge.
You may only want our help on one day with one thing, or you may need to have someone with you all the time. We can provide whatever it is you want and need.
We will help you in the way you like to be helped. We will help you at the time you want to be helped.
We can train our staff to support you with any particular requirements you may have.
For example, we can help you With:
- Feeling good and positive about yourself
- Learning new skills
- Keeping your home clean
- Going to clubs, groups, events and visiting family and friends
- Supporting you with activities and hobbies you enjoy
- Keeping you safe, during the day and at night
- Taking your medication
- Deciding what to eat, shopping and then cooking your meals
- Supporting you with eating your meals
- Helping you make and get to appointments
- Getting up and going to bed
- Dressing and undressing
- Washing and bathing
- Using the toilet
- Getting around your house and getting out and about
- Support if you need to go into hospital and recover afterwards
- Help and support to get well
- Collecting your medication
- 24-hour support
- Managing your money and paying bills
- Help at college or going to work
- Practising your faith or religion
- Going to the doctor and dentists
- Looking at your housing options, support options and advocacy
- Making choices about how you want to live your life
- Looking for work
- Maintaining your home
- Living within your tenancy agreement
- Supporting your goals, aspirations and ambitions
We want you to tell us what is important to you and how you want us to help you do those things.
- Keep you safe: the people who help you and the way we work will keep you safe
- Treat you well: we will treat you with kindness. We will show you respect. You can tell us what is important to you.
- Listen to you: our job is to listen to you and find out how you want to be supported. We will write down what you tell us in a plan so all staff will support you in this way.
- Free from harm: we will protect you from harm but support your right and freedom to take risks
- Help you meet your friends: we do not want you to be lonely, especially at evenings and weekends, so we will help you make contact with the people you like
- Be good at helping you: you will be supported by staff who are trained and who know how to help you
- Put you in charge: our job is to help you do the things you want to do in your own way
- Treat you as a whole person: we will listen to your hopes and dreams and help you plan a way to achieve those things, even though some of them may take a long time
- Review your plan: if you tell us you want something done differently, then we will change your plan so that everyone knows this
- Be there for you: we can provide support at the times you want
People need different types of support.
The support we provide is personalised and individualised. This means that no two packages of support will ever be the same just as two people are never the same.
Each package of support we provide will be designed your unique and individual needs and we will enable, facilitate and support you to exercise choice and control over how the design of your Support Plan and the delivery of your care and support.
Social Enterprise is about equality. It’s about ensuring that vulnerable people have the same rights and opportunities as the rest of society.
Social Enterprise creates and supports equal life chances – and more than that, it supports people to begin to believe in themselves and to begin to change things for themselves. In this sense Social Enterprise is about empowerment.
You First Support Services talks a lot about empowering adults with learning disabilities, but what do we actually mean by this?
Empowerment means to give authority, to enable, to invest with power. When You First Support Services uses this term we are talking about a shift in power in that we want to see real personal power return to the place it belongs – to people with learning disabilities themselves.
This is about self determination and self organisation.
As a Social Enterprise we want to see not only lives being changed but communities being changed and this comes about through the learning disability community recognising and believing that it actually has power and authority; this is the process of empowerment.
And it is a process, not an event. We work to support people with learning disabilities to grow in confidence, to begin to believe in themselves and then as individuals and as a community to exercise that power that truly belongs to them.
It is this self belief and inner confidence that will begin to see true and lasting change.